Our Story

Driven by internal hunger of progression, PRG Denm/Progress Requires Growth llc, strives to style our patron’s outside and dress their internal well being. Creative Director and Curator Dezmond Wheeler see’s a void in fashion and vows to “Patch it.” The conglomerate fashion houses produce mediocre pieces charge an astronomical amount for them and then that’s it. Progress Requires Growth Denim dresses your internal well-being with its message, philanthropic community initiatives, and focus on pursuit of happiness while attaining your goals. The brand’s message is, like our patrons, complimented by our stylish and progressive designs that are made with the finest resources and dedicated to humanity.

Move Forward even if Progress is slow- Progress Requires Growth


How it all started


PRG Denim

Progress requires growth. A quality clothing line with a niche offering of denim, is a forward focused fashion line.  The Progress Requires Growth Denim brand (PRG DNM, PRG) not only provides traditional and fashion forward ware, its key focal point is to dress our patron’s outer image and uplift their inner being!


Move forward even if Progress is slow- Progress Requires Growth
— Dezmond Wheeler